Station Theatre, Hayling Island
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HIADS : Application for Membership

There are three categories of membership as listed below. All receive the newsletter with latest details of our programme, social events, plans for the future and other HIADS news. All are welcome at social events and at the AGM.

MEMBERS (£20 a year)
As a member you are entitled to take part in HIADS productions, to vote at our general meetings, stand for office and in general to take a full part in all the activities of the Society.

STUDENT MEMBERS (£10 a year)
Student membership is open to all people in full time education at the time of joining or renewing their membership. Student members are eligible to participate in productions and, if aged 16 or above, have full voting rights.

PATRONS (£50 or more a year)
If you would like to give financial support to HIADS, you can become a Patron. Patronage may be individual, couples, families or corporate and your support will be acknowledged on HIADS play programmes (unless otherwise requested).

The HIADS Constitution states that 'Candidates for Membership shall be elected by the Executive Committee at its absolute discretion, or by the Society in a General Meeting'.

Please complete the following for our records. The information you give us will be recorded on our membership data base and unless otherwise requested may be made available to other members of HIADS.

Application Form

Membership Category


Tick if you are unable to receive communications by email. If ticked we will send Newsletters by post.
Tick if you are under 18 years of age.

For members aged under 18, please enter the following information:

Please enter your date of birth:
Please enter the name and telephone number for your parent or guardian:

Please indicate your interests by ticking the boxes.

SUPPORT - My sole reason for joining is to support HIADS and their productions and to keep in touch through the Newsletter.
BOX OFFICE - I am interested in joining the box office team. The box office is open Saturdays from 10:00am until noon.
FRONT OF HOUSE - I am interested in joining the front of house team who welcome the audience, sell programmes and ensure that our safety procedures are followed.
BAR - I am interested in helping to run the foyer bar during performances and social events.
PERFORMANCE - I am interested in some or all aspects of performance (e.g. on stage, back stage or directing).
COSTUME - I have some dress-making skills and am interested in joining the wardrobe team.
CONSTRUCTION - I have some DIY and/or artistic skills and am interested in building or decorating scenery and props and working to maintain and improve facilities in the theatre.
TECHNICAL - I have some technical knowledge and skill especially in theatre lighting, sound or video projection.
ADMINISTRATION - I am interested in helping to run the business of the society, the publicity and/or organising social events for members.
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