Station Theatre, Hayling Island
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Privacy Statement

We love the fact that you've taken an interest in the Station Theatre and the shows we put on.

We love to keep in touch and to let you know what's coming up, and that's all we use your information for.

So.... what info do we keep on you and what do we do with it?

We use google analytics to track what visitors do and look at on this site but we don't know who the visitors are.

We have a what's on subscribers list - this is now run using mailchimp.
This is a GDPR compliant organisation which allows you to sign up and unsubscribe to our email messages whenever you want. The information stored is only what you tell us which is your name and email address. We (and mailchimp) don't do anything with the info other than send you emails. MailChimps Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

When you buy tickets online you will be using the ticketsource website. In order to purchase tickets you create an account with ticket source which looks after your data. You can read the privacy policy which basically says that info will not be shared.

When you buy tickets from our box office we ask for basic information such as name address and phone number so that we can contact you if for some reason a show has to be cancelled. If you would like to know what information has been stored in our box office then please contact us.