Station Theatre, Hayling Island
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The Laurel Canyon Experience
At The Station Theatre

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Hayling Island What's On Event The Laurel Canyon Experience Poster
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The DiElle Trio presents

The Laurel Canyon Experience

7.30pm, £12.50, (£15 on the door)

In 1970, Carol King, James Taylor and Joni Mitchell were all in the same studio in California recording Tapestry, Blue and Mud Slide Slim and The Blue Horizon respectively.

This show shares stories and songs of the interwoven lives of the greatest artists in the golden age of pop, all living, inspiring and falling in love with each other in Laurel Canyon, California. Brimming with amazing harmonies and nostalgia, performed by John Gleadall, Chris Wood and DiElle.

DiElle Music Website

DiElle Music Facebook

The Dielle Trio
HIADS Station Theatre Station Road Hayling Island Hampshire GB PO11 0EH 50.79298 -0.99462

Book online (24/7) via our links to the ticketsource website.
Phone through to the ticketsource phone line (local rate) during work hours Mon to Sat (0333 666 3366)
Phone or book in person at the Box Office (023 9246 6363) Saturday Mornings, 10 am to noon.
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